



A Request For Participation - MentorCity

A request for participation in a study about mentoring programs

Dear Mentors,

My name is Megan Murphy, and I am a graduate student at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.  I am looking for mentors from MentorCity to participate in a study on formal mentoring programs as part of my PhD Studies in Organizational Behaviour.

I am inviting you to take part in a 30-60 minute one-on-one interview at a convenient time and place for you.  Interviews can be done by phone or by video chat (e.g. Skype). I hope to learn about the expectations and challenges of being a mentor in a mentoring program.

The goal of this study is to get a better understanding of what makes individuals interested in being a mentor.  In order to increase our understanding I am asking for mentors to answer some questions about their participation in a formal mentoring program. I am interested in understanding what kind of expectations you have from dealing with the mentoring program, and more about the process of being a mentor.  This is not an evaluation of your performance in the mentoring program, nor is it an evaluation of the program itself.

If you are interested in getting more information about taking part in this study please feel free to contact me directly: Tel: 905-525-9140 Ext: 26179 or murphyme@mcmaster.ca. Your participation is completely voluntary and you can stop being in the study at any time by contacting me.

In addition, this study has been reviewed and cleared by the McMaster Research Ethics Board.  If you have questions or concerns about your rights as a participant or about the way the study is being conducted you may contact:

McMaster Research Ethics Board Secretariat
Telephone: (905) 525-9140 ext.2314
Gilmour Hall – Room 305 (ROADS)
E-mail: ethicsoffice@mcmaster.ca


Megan Murphy

PhD Candidate, MOBHR
DeGroote School of Business
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

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