As a mentor/mentee you have an amazing year ahead with lots in store to help you achieve all your goals. Be on the outlook for those conversations that inspire you because you may be receiving mentorship when you least expect it. After each inspiring conversation, take some time to reflect on what you gained from the conversation and think about if there is any advice that you should integrate – if so, start right away because every month you will be integrating at least one new piece of advice, so there is no time to waste. As you can imagine by implementing all this advice, you will be a much stronger person. You will be more likely to participate in your company’s mentoring program, and at the same time you will join a mentoring program with an organization that you are passionate about such as The Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA). In the near future, you will also be attending an eye-opening conference that will leave you with a clearer direction and best practices that you can bring back to your organization. Basically, anything and everything is possible with a mentor by your side. Happy Mentoring Month!