Mentoring relationships are as unique as the mentor and mentee and there are no hard and fast rules. "Securing the right mentor is a major hurdle, but maintaining the relationship can be just as challenging". Source: Harvard Business Review. It is important to define the mentoring relationship. There are two types of mentoring relationships:

  • Formal – meet on regular basis
  • Informal – meet on an as needed basis

Your mentoring objectives determine the type of relationship that will best suit your needs. Once you have established the type of mentoring relationship it's time to add structure.

Meeting Formats:

  • Phone
  • Email
  • Video Conferencing
  • Live Text Chat
  • Face-to-Face
  • Combination

Frequency of Meetings:

  • Weekly
  • Biweekly
  • Monthly
  • As Needed


  • Days of the week
  • Time of day

Length of Meeting:

  • 15 minutes
  • 30 minutes
  • 45 minutes
  • 60 minutes

Length of Relationship:

  • You can commit in advance to a time frame that can vary from one month to one year.
  • A plan should be created in the event that you or your mentor would like to end the relationship earlier than anticipated.

As the mentor/mentee relationship is largely driven by the mentoring goals and objectives of the mentee, you will need to select a mentor that is willing and able to participate in the type of mentoring relationship with the structure that you feel will best help you to achieve your goals and objectives. MentorCity™ makes it easy to find the right mentor. Join today and get started.

Learn more about mentoring.

For Associations, Companies, and Schools

Request a Tour to learn how MentorCity's online mentoring software can help you run an effective mentoring program for your members, employees, students, and alumni.

For Individuals (Mentors and Mentees)

Join our free public site and connect with individuals from all over the world. Choose from thousands of mentors who have specialized skills from a variety of industries and job functions.

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