Add Mentoring As A
Membership Benefit
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For Non-Profits

A cost-effective, sustainable Mentoring program makes a lot of sense for non-profits. Budgets are restricted and staff need to wear a lot of hats. They need to have a range of competencies. They need to be quick and agile to take on new roles and projects. It can all be counterproductive.

Learning from one another ensures best practices, nurtures common values and strengthens the organization and the community as a whole. There’s another benefit. Gaining and retaining membership is a real challenge for non-profits.

Offering mentoring as a membership benefit builds those connections in a whole new way. MentorCity is a strategic investment that benefits everyone.

How MentorCity can
help non-profit

  • Boost membership and member retention
  • Offer re-certification activities
  • Build connections across sectors to help each other and increase productivity
  • Build professional networks
  • Build diversity, inclusivity and positive personal and organizational outcomes
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Foundations of a Mentoring Program Guide


Urban Living Futures used the MentorCity platform for the UPPlift: Toronto program. The team at MentorCity was extremely professional and supportive. They provided tutorials for our group, customizable features, and followed up regularly to ensure their service was meeting all our needs. I would definitely recommend to any company looking for assistance in developing and fostering quality mentor/mentee relationships!
Stefa Sokolowski, Program Consultant, Urban Living Futures
Engage. Inspire. Build your organization from the inside up.
Find out how. Take a tour.

For Associations, Companies, and Schools

Request a Tour to learn how MentorCity's online mentoring software can help you run an effective mentoring program for your members, employees, students, and alumni.

For Individuals (Mentors and Mentees)

Join our free public site and connect with individuals from all over the world. Choose from thousands of mentors who have specialized skills from a variety of industries and job functions.

Join your associations, workplaces or schools existing Mentoring Program that is using MentorCity. Please complete the following: