"How can I explain priorities?" - Espresso with my mentor within
(posted almost 9 years ago)
Explain a priority
by giving context, rationale on why it's important looking at the big picture
and timelines for completion. Check for understanding by asking them to
summarize the priority item to ensure that you are both on the same page. Ask
for regular progress updates.
"What should I read next?" - Espresso with my mentor within
(posted almost 9 years ago)
Authors who share
stories that open your eyes, enhance your skills and transfer insights are some
of the best mentors. Books have the power to change your life, your way of
thinking and get you excited about putting skills into practice. Read, take
action, grow.
"How can I measure trade show results?" - Espresso with my mentor within
(posted almost 9 years ago)
The bottom line is
how many hot leads are generated from the show. There also is the number of
people who took the time to let you know how your product made a significant
impact on them. The organizations who are super excited about using your
product. And, the people who provided feedback based on their experiences.
These interactions are priceless and validate why you are doing what you are
doing every day - they are inspiration.
"Does a door really close?" - Espresso with my mentor within
(posted almost 9 years ago)
Doors of opportunity
may feel as though they are closed for good at the time. However, there are too
many factors that may reopen those doors such as staff and leadership changes,
being unhappy with the product or employee that they originally decided on, a
change of heart and the list goes on and on. Sometimes all it takes is a phone
call to reopen a door.
"How can I change my mood?" - Espresso with my mentor within
(posted almost 9 years ago)
to figure out what triggered the bad mood. Then look around. Appreciate your
surroundings, the people you are with and the conversations you are having. Put
your focus and energy on this by being present and in the moment.
"When did envy leave?" - Espresso with my mentor within
(posted almost 9 years ago)
It goes away when
you truly believe in yourself, your abilities and the direction you are
heading. You respect people. However, the desire to be like them has
disappeared because you have every confidence in you.
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